Quick, Do You Know What Your Boston License Bond Requirements Are?

If you had to guess how many Boston license bond requirements there are what would you say? There is a lot of ground to cover with permit and license bonds including selling airline tickets, operating a health club, or working as a licensed broker. And Boston, Massachusetts isn’t the only city in the state or America who leans on those surety bonds either.

Open For Business In Boston

A Boston license bond is a very common type of surety bond. Jurisco covers the main umbrellas of Massachusetts surety bonds including court bonds (plaintiff and defendant), as well as permit and licensing bonds, and probate and fiduciary bonds.

Each surety bond serves its purposes for both the cities and the state as a whole. License surety bonds allow the state to protect consumers and register businesses as in compliance with state statutes.

Some of the most common Boston license bonds are trustee bonds, mortgage broker bonds, sales finance bond, and seller of travel bond. In short, these bonds are used by the state to protect the consumer for being financially harmed.

For example, if a seller of travel is not bonded and they take off with your vacation funds you don’t have much restitution. When the seller of travel is properly bonded - and you’ll want to make sure they are before paying them - the seller of travel surety bond will cover you.

What Happens When Businesses Ignore Bonding Requirements

Ignoring a Boston license bond requirement isn’t a good idea. The state has put these surety bond requirements in place to protect the consumer. If a business isn’t properly bonded then that is a sign to the state that the business doesn’t want to protect the consumer. It’s a red flag that could lead to expensive fees and fines, as well as a closure of business.

It’s alright to be unsure of what your Boston license bond requirements are. That’s where the Boston surety bond experts at Jurisco can help you most. Get answers to your questions when you ask the experts. Then you know you’ll receive the best possible Boston license bond.

Receive A Low Boston License Bond Rate

As well as learning more about the bond process and the ways that license bonds can help businesses, clients also receive a low surety bond rate.

Surety bonds are most helpful in part because they require such a low upfront cost. Clients can receive thousands in protection with a stroke of a pen without having to pay out thousands in return.

Part of keeping this cost low is working with clients to ensure they always receive a low surety bond rate. This means working with clients who have bad credit history. Or finding solutions for a client who needs multiple bonds at once.

No matter the reason for a Boston license bond, Jurisco is always here and willing to help. Clients in Boston can lean on the expertise at Jurisco as they make their surety bond experience the best it can possibly be.

Trust the Surety Bond Experts

The Jurisco lawyer-trained staff are here to help you today.