How A Kentucky Attachment Bond Works

A Kentucky attachment bond is used by a plaintiff in a case to seize property to cover a debt. As one can easily imagine, seizing property can cause blood to boil so the courts are sensitive to this request. To ease the court’s worries, a Kentucky attachment bond is used as a sign of good measure that the plaintiff is not seeking unlawful action.

Plaintiffs in a case are better served by securing an attachment bond before making the request to a judge. Being able to include the bond in the request shows the court that the plaintiff has thought through this action and weighed the impact it could have on the defendant should it later be deemed wrongful.

Attachment bonds are just one type of court bonds used in Kentucky.

Courts Reliance On Surety Bonds

One reason why courts can rely on surety bonds is because of the sheer number of years that bonds have been used. Surety bonds are one of the oldest legal practices. They serve as insurance policies against action and against loss.

Both plaintiffs and defendants may use or may be required to use a surety bond in a court case. Some of the most common court surety bonds include appeal bonds, garnishment bonds, replevin bond, lien bonds, and lost instrument bond.

Attachment bonds are involved in cases where the plaintiff is owed money by the defendant. When the defendant has shown a reluctance to repay the payment, a plaintiff can seize property instead.

The Kentucky attachment bond guarantees that the legal cost, damages sustained, and fees will be fully covered by the plaintiff. The surety bond is also a legally binding contract that the property will be returned when the payment of the judgement is satisfied.

Kentucky Surety Bond Rate

To receive the best Kentucky surety bond rate possible it’s imperative that you work with a reputable surety bond company. It always pays dividends when clients trust the experts. Jurisco is a nationwide surety bond provider but provides local expertise as well as the lowest surety bond rates in Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, Owensboro, Richmond, Florence, and every other city in the state.

Secure A Kentucky Attachment Bond Today

The lawyer-trained staff at Jurisco understand the time constraints of a Kentucky attachment bond.That’s why Jurisco is able to offer same-day service. Clients can focus on other aspects of the case knowing that the attachment bond requirements are fully met.

Contact Jurisco when you’re ready to get started. Online Kentucky attachment bond applications are available on the Jurisco website. You can also find answers to some of your more burning questions. Don’t forget you can always reach out to the Kentucky attachment bond experts at Jurisco with any questions, concerns, or rate calculations you have. Make the Kentucky surety bond experience better with Jurisco.

Trust the Surety Bond Experts

The Jurisco lawyer-trained staff are here to help you today.