An Indiana surety bond can seem like an intimidating process when faced with a bond mandate. Jurisco works with clients in Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, South Bend and in every corner of Indiana. Understanding which surety bond in Indiana is best for a client is a top priority for the bond experts at Jurisco.


How often are Surety Bonds Used in Indiana?

Surety bonds may not make major headlines, but they are one way Indiana operates. A bond may be required to cover a court action such as an injunction or to protect a veteran needing a guardian from being abused financially or physically. Businesses may be required by the Security of State’s Office to secure bonds before opening their doors.

There are several reasons why an Indiana surety bond may be necessary. To figure out which bonds apply to your situation you should speak to a bond expert at Jurisco. The lawyer-trained staff can determine which bond is best and how to receive the lowest bond rate possible.

Are Bonds Required by the State or Court?

A skyview image of Fort Wayne downtownBonds can be required by the State and the Court. Surety bonds are seen as a method of protection. A realtor must be bonded to protect citizens from losing money over property scams.

A plaintiff must post an appeal bond to protect the defendant from a delay in compensation. While there are a few situations where a bond mandate can be waived, both the legislature and bench uphold bonds in the majority of cases.

Will the Indiana Surety Bond Process Take A Lot of Time?

Securing an Indiana surety bond is fast when Jurisco takes care of things. By being familiar with Indiana surety bond requirements, Jurisco works quickly to secure the best bond. Online surety bond applications are available so the bond process can begin at any time.

In a rush? Give Jurisco a call to discuss what you need and learn how a bond professional can help. A surety bond in Indiana doesn’t have to take long or be a headache. Jurisco is here to help.

What if a Bond Mandate is Ignored?

It may seem easier to ignore a mandate all together, but that course of action tends to lead to more time wasted and a more expensive solution. Abiding by the bond mandates is always the better solution. Don’t let the intimidation of securing a surety bond in Indiana prevent you from having the protection you deserve. Contact Jurisco and let us help you secure any Indiana surety bond you need.

Trust the Surety Bond Experts

The Jurisco lawyer-trained staff are here to help you today.