Nebraska Surety Bond

When people are asked to quickly name something about Nebraska they probably don’t mention a Nebraska surety bond. And that’s ok. Surety bonds are used to operating in the background, serving as a backstop to things that could go wrong.

Types of Nebraska Surety Bonds

There are four main types of Nebraska surety bonds. Plaintiff bonds are court bonds that covers legal actions such as wage garnishments, evictions, and lis pendens. Probate and fiduciary bonds cover responsibilities like serving as a guardian, being an executor of a will or managing a trust. License and permit bonds are mainly business related bonds like protecting consumers against travel agent scams and health club closures. Defendant bonds cover legal actions taken by the defendant including appeals or transfer of liens.

While court bonds tend to be the typical example brought to mind when considering a Nebraska surety bond, bonds are required in other scenarios outside the courtroom. Take for instance a business seeking to be licensed for a health club. To protect consumers the state of Nebraska requires a surety bond to cover the health club in the event it goes out of business. Health clubs without this level of protection may be operating outside of Nebraska’s requirements and could face closure.

Nebraska Surety Bond Requirements

To outsiders, Nebraska may appear as a sleepy state. Jurisco isn’t fooled, though. Nebraska is a state bursting with pride, opportunity, and a work ethic that makes room for community. Nebraska citizens face the same dangers as in other states. And as in other states, surety bonds are a great way to offer citizens a level of protection.

Failing to meet Nebraska surety bond requirements can result in legal action, fines and fees, or in the case of businesses, closure. It’s easy to get rid of the fears and doubts around satisfying Nebraska surety bond mandates when working with a surety bond expert.

Receive Expert Surety Bond Advice

Often times the surety bond process gets built into be these stressful situation that only a law degree can solve. The Nebraska surety bond experts at Jurisco are here to provide a better level of surety bond service than that. Jurisco operates to make sure every client feels heard and that their questions are answered.

A Nebraska surety bond expert at Jurisco will help determine which bond is best for each client. They will also be able to provide a low surety bond rate for every city and county in Nebraska.

Trust the Surety Bond Experts

The Jurisco lawyer-trained staff are here to help you today.