When A Los Angeles Supersedeas Bond Is Called Into Play

A Los Angeles supersedeas bond is very helpful to defendants and plaintiffs involved in money judgement cases. The courts rely heavily on surety bonds to cover legal actions and appealing a money judgement is no exception. The state of California as a whole takes the use of appeals and surety bonds seriously. That’s why the courts lay out specific guidelines for the use of supersedeas bonds. These guidelines provide the necessary framework to both serve the defendant and the plaintiff.

Appealing A Money Judgement

When working on a case that could result in a money judgement, it’s wise to have the appeal process ready to go in the worst case scenario that you need it. One step in this process is securing a Los Angeles supersedeas bond.

A  Los Angeles supersedeas bond is a required surety bond when a defendant seeks to appeal a money judgement. The Los Angeles supersedeas bond value will cover the full cost (and any legal fees the court’s require) of the judgement. This proves to the California courts that the surety bond is proper and the defendant is not seeking to cause delay.

Clients can either start this bond process ahead of time to have it ready to go. Others may have to wait because they didn’t see the verdict going against them. Regardless of the motivation or timeframe, Jurisco delivers same-day service.

By offering same-day service, Jurisco is able to provide clients with a Los Angeles supersedeas bond when they need it most. The lawyer-trained staff works quickly because they understand the time constraints clients are under. Jurisco strives to always deliver the best bond, the lowest rate, and the fastest service.

Low Los Angeles Supersedeas Bond Rate

To receive a low Los Angeles supersedeas bond rate it’s best to work with a reputable surety bond provider. Jurisco is able to offer local expertise and nationwide financial services that allows Los Angeles surety bond clients to receive the lowest bond rates.

Surety bond rates can be impacted by low credit scores, amounts of the money judgement, or any other special restrictions placed by the court. And there are some surety bond companies that can’t handle those roadblocks and hike up the rates as a result. Jurisco doesn’t view those situations as roadblocks, though.

The Los Angeles surety bond experts at Jurisco are in the position to answer every question and pull on the company’s financial resources to keep surety bond rates as low as possible.

Securing A Los Angeles Surety Bond With Same Day Service

When dealing with any type of California surety bond timeliness is important. Delays can be costly both to the budget and to overall strategy. Let Jurisco focus on the Los Angeles supersedeas bond details so you can focus on winning the appeal.

Have questions about Los Angeles supersedeas bond rates or terms of service? Contact Jurisco today.

Trust the Surety Bond Experts

The Jurisco lawyer-trained staff are here to help you today.