Do You Need A Guardianship Bond In California?

guardianship bond californiaIt’s in the news and minds of people who are realizing just how many Senior Citizens are going hungry and losing their homes in this country. As presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders described it, the fact that senior citizens are going without daily meals or medicines should be a concern to everyone as it is a reflection of society. How should your parents or grandparents be treated as they reach that golden age? A guardianship bond can help make sure that people are taken care of respectfully.

When people reach a point where they need a little extra help taking care of their schedule, meals, and home it may be time to seek out a guardianship bond. This type of surety bond allows people some piece of mind knowing that the person granted guardianship will uphold their duties or face the wrath of the law.

It is important to realize that guardianship bonds may be needed in other cases other than an aging senior citizen. There are circumstances when minors or young adults also require having a guardian appointed by the court. Whomever is appointed must abide by any legal instructions and not cause harm, physical or financial, to the person requiring guardianship.

Jurisco can make the guardianship bond a relatively easy process. With just a few questions, the team at Jurisco will determine how much a guardianship bond will cover, how long it needs to last, and figure out which forms need to be given to the higher courts.

Protect those that are near to you by making the court require a guardianship bond. This way a person’s legal estate will be fully protected in case of any mishandling by the guardian. Don’t leave the vulnerable at risk. Contact us today to setup the protection a guardianship bond provides.

Trust the Surety Bond Experts

The Jurisco lawyer-trained staff are here to help you today.